Bdd永恩剑气四起狂砍Faker 双方进入决胜局


2024 LCK qualification finals kicked off today. T1 and KT faced off, and the winner will become the fourth seed of LCK for S14! In the fourth game, KT took an early lead with a 1-for-1 trade. Both teams maintained a balanced economy in the early game. In the mid-game, Faker was caught by PerfecT's ultimate and was taken down. Bdd's Master Yi cleared out two members with his sweeping slash, helping Deft take down Faker. KT had a 2,000 gold lead. In the late game, KT secured the dragon and gradually snowballed their advantage to a 7,000 gold lead. In the decisive team fight, T1 had no chance, and Bdd went on a rampage, leading KT to a 4-for-0 trade and destroying T1's Nexus, leading to the final game.

Game 1: ? Small Lu Bu bombed and double killed, Zeus' Vayne hunted in the shadows, T1 took the first win.

Game 2: ? P's rookie perfectly engaged and T1 lost one member after another due to the coordinated efforts of KT's jungle and support. KT equalized the score.

Game 3: ? Zeus solo killed Deft's Camille and BeryL's tank flash forward ended up in disaster for him. T1 secured match point.

Game 4:


KT (blue side): PerfecT on Gragas, Pyosik on Maokai, Bdd on Yasuo, Deft on Kai'Sa, BeryL on Poppy.

Bans: Lissandra, Kalista, Jhin, Miss Fortune, Azir.

T1 (red side): Zeus on Jax, Oner on Skarner, Faker on Taliyah, Gumayusi on Ashe, Keria on Braum.

Bans: Hecarim, Rek'Sai, Ziggs, Rumble, Smeb.

Post-match data:

Game details:

[3:33] KT chose to lane swap, T1's bot lane tower dove and easily took down Gragas for first blood.

[7:51] KT's bot lane dived T1, with Miss Fortune opening fire. After Maokai's retaliation, Miss Fortune killed Ashe, and Taliyah arrived to secure a kill on Maokai, resulting in a 1-for-1 trade and both teams maintaining an equal economy.

[16:36] Maokai and Poppy engaged Jax, and then KT's top and mid laners destroyed T1's top tower. Jax took down KT's bot tower, but Gragas struck back with his ultimate, and Miss Fortune followed up with her damage, killing Ashe. Afterwards, Poppy got caught in the river, but managed to escape with a well-timed Flash. Braum used a Flash + Q combo to kill Poppy.

[19:15] River team fight, Miss Fortune used her ultimate from the side, Yasuo killed Braum, and Skarner was surrounded and killed. KT achieved a 0-for-2 trade, Yasuo flashed to kill Ashe, and Maokai secured the Infernal Dragon. KT had a 2,000 gold lead.

[22:38] Yasuo's ultimate knocked up two members, and both teams used TP. Jax was a solo casualty, and KT had a 2,000 gold lead.

[24:44] River team fight, Yasuo killed Taliyah and Braum, and Jax killed Miss Fortune. Gragas was pinned down by Braum's passive and Jax picked up another kill. T1 achieved a 1-for-2 trade and secured the Wind Dragon. They were behind by 1,000 gold.

[27:01] Baron team fight, Skarner was instantly killed, and Jax followed shortly after. KT achieved a 0-for-2 trade and secured the Baron, while T1 let it go. KT had a 3,000 gold lead.

[32:11] Jax was caught in the top lane, and Maokai killed him. KT pushed down T1's second tower and had a 5,000 gold lead.

[33:49] Baron team fight, Poppy's shield was broken by Maokai, and she was melted down. KT secured the Baron again, Skarner failed to steal it and died, and Jax was chased down and killed by KT. KT achieved a 0-for-3 trade and had a 7,000 gold lead.

[36:05] Elder Dragon team fight, Jax jumped into the dragon pit to engage Miss Fortune. He used his Zhonya's, but Yasuo killed Ashe, Gragas killed Braum, and KT achieved a 0-for-4 trade, destroying T1's Nexus and forcing a final game.

